
Manasrekha offers you end-to-end solutions for your wireless needs. We not only help you identify and supply the right hardware for your applications, we also offer complete handholding for licensing and installation.
The Wireless Planning & Coordination wing of the Ministry of Communications was established in 1952. It is the National Radio Regulatory Authority responsible for Frequency Spectrum Management, including licensing and caters for the needs of all wireless users (Government and Private) in the country.
If you have any queries regarding WPC and their rules and regulations, please visit
Q : Will the new RDX series radios work with my old radios?
The HT-Vox Radio offered by Manasrekha makes certain that any new radio series they introduce will be compatible with your existing radios. (Keep in mind that UHF talks to UHF and VHF talks to VHF when ordering.) You will need to retune your older radios to your new RDX radios and Manasrekha provides instructions with each new RDX radio sold. You can also call the Help Desk if you want someone to talk you through the retuning process.
Q : What is the difference between VHF and UHF radios?
The difference is frequency penetration. Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radio waves penetrate steel, concrete and brick walls, or rugged terrain, making them ideal for situations that need indoor - to - outdoor communications, or communications between floors of a building. Very High Frequency (VHF) radio waves travel best where there are no obstructions, making them the right choice for outdoor communication in areas with open land, rolling hills or thick forests.
Q : Why do I need to license my radios with the WPC?
The Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing (WPC) is not licensing your radios - it is licensing the radio frequency used by your radios. The airwaves are considered public property and the WPC is mandated to regulate the use of those public airwaves. Radio and television stations are required to be licensed for use of broadcast airwaves, and so are all radio operators, from business class to citizen band (CB) to ham radio operators.